WikiLeaks and Whistleblowers

The topic that I have chosen to do my assignment on is the website The Intercept. This website allows people to share information with journalists while keeping it anonoymous. The Intercept consists of several jounalists who recieve people's information/issues unknowily. Over the years this website has won many awards for its outstanding skills and success. This is a link where I found more information on said topic.

I believe that The Intercept is doing things the right way and will continue to have a lot of success. I think that it is important for information to be anonomymous for privacy reasons. The only downfall with not knowing where the facts are coming from is journalists would not know whether the information is reliable/factual. This issue is relatable to everyone because anyone can share their facts and thoughts online with the journailsts. It is also relatable to journalists because it makes it easy for journalists to recieve information.

Once again, I believe that information should be kept private for everyones safety, but journalists may experience complications when trying to decide which information is factual. This topic connects to the world of journalism because it is a site that allows journalists to recive information that is important for their job. Jourmalists may break their ethics when doing a report because they have no way to determine whether the information is true.


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