Journal #4 - What is Newsworthy?

"Dalhousie University Homecoming Celebrations Lead To 22 Arrests."

Timing - 3/4. I gave this news article this score because this event happened on Sunday and the article was posted on Monday, October 16, 2017, two days after the event occurred. I believe they should have had it posted on Saturday night and/or Sunday morning, but maybe they do not publish on the weekends.

Significance - 2.5/4. I believe this article only affects citizens who leave in the area that was affected by party goers and the board of Dalhousie University. Therefore, I do not believe it has a great significance.

Proximity - 4/4. The geographical proximity for a Canadian reader is relatively close, making it interesting for Canadian readers because they recognize the location.

Prominence - 2/4. The Dalhousie University students are prominent in the article, but not prominent to the world around us. 

Human Interest - 2.5/4. This article would interest some, but not many in my eyes. Nothing life threatening/changing occurs to interest a great amount of viewers.

Final Newsworthy Mark - 14/20.

"Mongadishu Bombing: Hundreds Killed In Somalia's Deadliest Single Attack Ever."

Timing - 2/4. This attack occurred on Monday, October 9, 2017. The article was not published until Sunday, October 15, 2017. I feel as though this event is important enough that it should have been published and looked at sooner than Sunday.

Significance - 4/4. This article has a great significance to everyone around the world. Each person should know what kind of violence is occurring.

Proximity - 3/4. The geographical proximity approaches more Americans than Canadians, but Canadians would still be intrigued by this article.  

Prominence - 4/4. The story has prominence because many were killed in this attack, which affects many others physically and emotionally.

Human Interest - 4/4. This story would interest many humans from all around the world because it is threatening news to not just the surrounding people, but to the whole world.

Final Newsworthy Mark - 17/20.


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