Journal Entry #1 - "First Newspapers"

Journal Entry #1: "First Newspapers"
  • The delivery of information: Compared to today, some of the obvious differences between historical newspapers and today's newspapers is historical newspapers did not have any photos. Newspapers today have many photos that relate to the main event. Another difference is today's newspapers include sports news, main events and obituaries. Newspapers back then did not include as much information about a variety of different things. Newspapers todsy are also alot more expensive than they were in historical times. Reading news online you are able to watch a video clip to see live footage of the main events; long ago you were not able to do so. You were also not able to view others opinions of a topic, while now, people are able to post a comment/reaction of their thoughts on the event.
  • Newspaper suppression: I believe the government should not have that kind of control or power over what is printed today. To me, as a viewer, it is important that what is going on around us is broadcasted so everyone is well aware. No matter how gruesome or offensvie something might be, it is factual and needs to be heard. It is devastating that the governement would shut down Public Occurences allowing the public to be blinded by information that they did not want to be made public. Living in a society that is very opinionated, I think it is important that everyone's views are made public so that we can further our knowledge of the situation and look at things from many different perspectives.
  • Publishing today: I think that although newspapers are critcal of the government, but still continue to publish is because as long the newspaper is following all the code of ethics, the government can not have any say in what is published, even though they may not like it. One code of ethics which relates to this situation is "freedom of press." The press has every right to publish the true facts becasue they need to let the world know what is going on. 
  • Newspapers in Canada: I was not very surprised to learn that the first newspaper was in Halifax. This did not surprise me because Halifax is constantly growing as a city and developing new things. Halifax also has a televison news station. To me, it makes sense that they would have produced the first newspaper in Canada.


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